Instructions for streaming a service

Using the stream key: 3f4c-x90y-5467-2djm-2uup in OBS you will connect to the zoom tech live streaming.

It looks like it creates a new video code for each time we stream so here’s what we need to do:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on EDIT on the right hand side, scroll to the bottom and select Allow Embedding
  3. Open OBS
  4. Start streaming: after around 20secs it video show up in the window in the above link.
  5. In the top right there’s a little curved arrow. Click on that and then the “video link" url in the pop up pane.
  6. Click on share and then the embed icon.
  7. Copy the code and paste into here.

To upload the slides, get the curator to email to you them as a pdf and then go to here to upload:

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